"use strict"; // Copyright Avvio 2018. All rights reserved. // crafted by SW, design by KK if ( typeof AvvioCC == 'undefined' ) { // variables after script means script is loaded first and // variables are defined afterwards var AvvioCC = { variablesAfterScript:true } } else { // variables are defined further up in the DOM // script is loaded after variables are set // AvvioCC global var is already created. AvvioCC.variablesAfterScript=false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------80 // configuration values if ( ! AvvioCC.hasOwnProperty('defaultConsent') ) AvvioCC.defaultConsent="1111"; if ( ! AvvioCC.hasOwnProperty('silentMode') ) AvvioCC.silentMode=true; if ( ! AvvioCC.hasOwnProperty('debug') ) AvvioCC.debug=false; if ( ! AvvioCC.hasOwnProperty('allowPeek') ) AvvioCC.allowPeek=true; if ( ! AvvioCC.hasOwnProperty('stopPeekAfter') ) AvvioCC.stopPeekAfter=10; if ( ! 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AvvioCC.hasOwnProperty('userDeploysAvvio') ) AvvioCC.userDeploysAvvio=true; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------80 // interface methods if ( ! AvvioCC.hasOwnProperty('userDeployRequiredCookies') ) AvvioCC.userDeployRequiredCookies=function(){ if ( this.debug ) console.log("userDeployRequiredCookies not set"); }; if ( ! AvvioCC.hasOwnProperty('userDeployFunctionalCookies') ) AvvioCC.userDeployFunctionalCookies=function(){ if ( this.debug ) console.log("userDeployFunctionalCookies not set"); }; if ( ! AvvioCC.hasOwnProperty('userDeployStatisticalCookies') ) AvvioCC.userDeployStatisticalCookies=function(){ if ( this.debug ) console.log("userDeployStatisticalCookies not set"); }; if ( ! AvvioCC.hasOwnProperty('userDeployMarketingCookies') ) AvvioCC.userDeployMarketingCookies=function(){ if ( this.debug ) console.log("userDeployMarketingCookies not set"); }; // no removal of cookies right now //if ( ! AvvioCC.hasOwnProperty('userRemoveRequiredCookies') ) AvvioCC.userRemoveRequiredCookies=function(){ if ( this.debug ) console.log("userRemoveRequiredCookies not set"); }; //if ( ! AvvioCC.hasOwnProperty('userRemoveFunctionalCookies') ) AvvioCC.userRemoveFunctionalCookies=function(){ if ( this.debug ) console.log("userRemoveFunctionalCookies not set"); }; //if ( ! AvvioCC.hasOwnProperty('userRemoveStatisticalCookies') ) AvvioCC.userRemoveStatisticalCookies=function(){ if ( this.debug ) console.log("userRemoveStatisticalCookies not set"); }; //if ( ! AvvioCC.hasOwnProperty('userRemoveMarketingCookies') ) AvvioCC.userRemoveMarketingCookies=function(){ if ( this.debug ) console.log("userRemoveMarketingCookies not set"); }; if ( ! AvvioCC.hasOwnProperty('userUpdateConsent') ) AvvioCC.userUpdateConsent=function(){ if ( this.debug ) console.log("userUpdateConsent not set"); }; if ( ! 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}#ACCsiteLogo { background-position: center; background-image: url('@SITELOGOV@'); background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 200px; height: 100px; content: ' '; display: block; margin: 30px auto 0 auto; }.ACCcontainer.kkACCbasic { padding-right: 40px; }.ACCcontainer a:hover { text-decoration: none; }.ACCcontainer h4 { text-align: left; padding: 30px 0; font-family: @FONTFAMILYV@; }.kkACCheader { overflow: hidden; margin-top: 20px; font-weight: 700; box-sizing: content-box; margin-left: -40px; margin-right: -40px; height: 60px; color: #@FONTCOLORV@; line-height: 60px; padding: 0 40px; background-color: #@BGCOLORV@; font-size: 20px; text-align: left; }.kkACCdetails .kkACCheader { margin-right: -20px; }.textAllCookies { margin-top: 20px; }.ACClayer .kkACCreadFullPolicy { text-decoration: underline; font-weight: 400; font-size: 16px !important; color: #@FONTCOLORV@; float: right; cursor: hand; cursor: pointer; }.ACClayer .kkACCreadFullPolicy:hover { font-weight: 400; color: #@FONTCOLORV@ !important; 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}.kkACCrow:last-child { border-bottom: none; }.kkACCrow > span { line-height: 40px; vertical-align: middle; }.kkACCrow .kkACCrowTitle { font-size: 125%; display: inline-block; cursor: hand; cursor: pointer; }.kkACCrow .kkACCrowDesc { width: 91%; line-height: 1.4; text-align: left; display: none; margin-bottom: 10px; }.kkACCrow.active .kkACCrowDesc { display: inline-block; }.kkACCrow .kkACCrowShowMore { white-space: nowrap; float: right; font-size: 80%; visibility: visible; display: inline-block; text-align: right; cursor: hand; cursor: pointer; }.kkACCrow.active .kkACCrowShowMore { visibility: hidden; }.kkACCrow .kkACCrowSwitch { float: right; margin-left: 10px; display: inline-block; text-align: right; font-size: 200%; }.kkACCrow label { padding: 7px; margin-right: -7px; max-width: none; display: flex; }.kkACCBlock { position: relative; max-height: 70vh; overflow: auto; padding-right: 20px;}.kkACChideBig { display: none; }#kkACCrowRequired .kkACCslider { cursor: not-allowed !important; opacity: .5; }#kkACCrowRequired .kkACCrowSwitch { margin-left: 17px; }.kkACCSwitch { position: relative; display: block; width: 35px; height: 20px; margin-top: 1px; }.kkACCSwitchDisabled { position: relative; display: block; width: 35px; height: 20px; margin: 0px; margin-top: 9px; }.kkACCrowSwitch .kkACCslider { position: absolute; cursor: pointer; cursor: hand; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; background-color: #ccc; -webkit-transition: .2s; transition: .2s; border-radius: 10px; }.kkACCrowSwitch .kkACCslider:before { position: absolute; content: \"\"; height: 16px; width: 16px; left: 2px; bottom: 2px; background-color: #FFF; -webkit-transition: .2s; transition: .2s; border-radius: 50%; }.kkACCrowSwitch input:checked + .kkACCslider { background-color: #008800; }.kkACCrowSwitch input:focus + .kkACCslider { box-shadow: 0 0 1px #008800; }.kkACCrowSwitch input:checked + .kkACCslider:before { -webkit-transform: translateX(14px); -ms-transform: translateX(14px); transform: translateX(14px); }.kkACCTransparentGradient { right: 15px; display: block; position: absolute; bottom: -1px; width: 100%; height: 40px; background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(@BGLIGHTV@, @BGLIGHTV@, @BGLIGHTV@, 0), rgba(@BGLIGHTV@, @BGLIGHTV@, @BGLIGHTV@, 1)); }.kkACCBlockWrapper { position: relative; }.sr-only{ border: 0; clip: rect(0,0,0,0); height: 1px; margin: -1px; overflow: hidden; padding: 0; position: absolute; width: 1px;}@media screen and (max-width: 1300px) { .ACCcontainer{ margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 15px; @POPUPMAXWIDTHV@; }}@media screen and (max-width: 768px) { .kkACCdetails { position: relative; } .ACCcontainer{ min-width: auto !important; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 10px; max-height: 95vh; } .ACCcontainer.kkACCbasic { padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; } .kkACCBlock { padding-right: 10px; max-height: 70vh; padding-bottom: 0px; } .kkACCheader { margin-top: 0px; margin-left: -20px; padding-left: 20px; margin-right: -20px; padding-right: 20px; line-height: 60px; height: 60px; font-size: 120%; } .kkACCdetails .kkACCheader { margin-right: -10px; } .kkACCheaderP { font-size: 85%; padding-top: 18px; } .kkACCrow { padding: 2px 0; } .kkACCrow .kkACCrowTitle { font-size: 80%; } .kkACCrow .kkACCrowShowMore { font-size: 70%; padding-right: 10px; padding-left: 10px; } .kkACCrow .kkACCrowSwitch { font-size: 125%; padding: 0; } .kkACCrow .kkACCrowDesc { font-size: 80%; } .kkACCrow > span { padding: 8px 0; line-height: 18px; } .kkACCButtons { margin: 20px 0 9px 0; } .kkACCdetails .kkACCButtons { } .kkACCbasic .kkACCButtons { margin-bottom: 14px; } .kkACCdetails .kkACCButtonsBottom .kkACCButtonsRight { margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 11px; } .kkACCButton { padding: 5px 15px; font-size: 14px !important; } .kkACChideSmall { display: none; } .kkACChideBig { display: inline-block; } .kkACCBlockWrapper { } .kkACCButtonsTop { margin-bottom: 15px; } .kkACCTransparentGradient { right: 5px; }}@media screen and (max-width: 425px) { .kkACCheader { line-height: 50px; height: 50px; font-size: 100%; } .kkACCheader .kkACCreadFullPolicy { font-size: 12px; margin-top: 0px; } .kkACCrow .kkACCrowSwitch { margin-left: 0px; } #kkACCrowRequired .kkACCrowSwitch { margin-left: 7px; } .kkACCButton { font-size: 13px !important; } .kkACCrow .kkACCrowTitle { font-size: 75%; letter-spacing: -0.2px; } .kkACCrow .kkACCrowShowMore { padding-right: 5px; padding-left: 5px; }}@media screen and (max-width: 359px) { .ACClayer .kkACCreadFullPolicy { font-size: 13px !important; } .kkACCheader .kkACCreadFullPolicy { font-size: 10px; } .kkACCheaderP { padding-top: 0px; font-size: 80%; } .kkACCheaderP p { margin-bottom: 10px; } .ACClayer .kkACCButtonLearnMore { padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; }}"; if ( ! AvvioCC.hasOwnProperty('useHTML') ) AvvioCC.useHTML="
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"; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------80 // css and html injected into host page AvvioCC.avvioTrackingDeployed=false; AvvioCC.userDeployActiveCategorie = false; AvvioCC.requiredCookiesDeployed=false; AvvioCC.functionalCookiesDeployed=false; AvvioCC.statisticalCookiesDeployed=false; AvvioCC.marketingCookiesDeployed=false; // ==========================================================================80 // cookie helper AvvioCC.getCookieDomain=function() { var parts = window.location.hostname.split('.').reverse(); // www.myhotel.com // => myhotel.com // www.myhotel.co.uk // myhotel.co.uk // minimum 2 var returnValue = parts[1]+'.'+parts[0]; if ( parts.length >= 4 ) { returnValue = parts[2]+'.'+returnValue; } return returnValue; }; AvvioCC.setCookie=function(cname, cvalue, days) { var d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime() + (days*24*60*60*1000)); var expires = "expires="+ d.toUTCString(); var cookieString = cname + "=" + cvalue + ";" + expires + ";domain=."+this.getCookieDomain()+";path=/;SameSite=None;Secure"; //SW20211203: keep this in please! if ( this.debug ) console.log("ACC:cookie="+cookieString ); document.cookie = cookieString; }; AvvioCC.getCookie=function(cname) { var name = cname + "="; var decodedCookie = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie); var ca = decodedCookie.split(';'); for(var i=0; i= 0 ) { previousSibling=scripts[i]; break; } } if ( previousSibling == null ) { console.log("STILL NOT FOUND: "+firstFragment.d ); previousSibling=document.body.lastChild; } } } while (fakeElement.firstChild) { var child=fakeElement.firstChild; if ( child.tagName == 'SCRIPT' ) { var scriptElement = document.createElement('script'); var typeAttribute = child.getAttribute('type') if ( typeAttribute ) scriptElement.type = child.type; if ( child.src.length > 0 ) { var hasAsync = child.hasAttribute('async'); if ( this.debug) console.log("JS: FOUND src="+ child.src + " async="+hasAsync ); // external scrip is loaded in a slightly different way scriptElement.src = child.src; if ( hasAsync ) { // WARNING: async scripts have no document write support by design // makes no difference for scripts added past DOM ready // scriptElement.setAttribute('async', 'async'); scriptElement.onload = function() { // TESTED 20180512 1449 ... finished is reqored for the correct file! if ( AvvioCC.debug ) console.log("JS: ASYNC finished= " + this.src ); } // no document write redirect for async script!!! previousSibling.parentNode.insertBefore(scriptElement, previousSibling.nextSibling); previousSibling = scriptElement; fakeElement.removeChild(child); } else { var docWriteBuffer =''; var docWriteBackup = document.write; document.write = function( newHTMLString ) { docWriteBuffer+=newHTMLString; }; // WARNING: this (^document.write override) is not race condition save because some other script way run in between and do the same, or use document.write scriptElement.onload = function() { if ( AvvioCC.debug ) { // TESTED 20180512 1451 correct file is reported console.log("JS: sync finished="+this.src + " resume: " + fakeElement.childElementCount + "/" + remainingFragments.length ); } var localPreviousSibling=this; document.write = docWriteBackup; if ( docWriteBuffer.length > 0 ) { // TESTED 20180512 1512 additional data is queued at the top of the current fragment // queue the new stuff into the fakeElement at the top ! fakeElement.innerHTML = docWriteBuffer.trim() + fakeElement.innerHTML; } // continue with remaining elements AvvioCC.insertRemainingFragments( remainingFragments, fakeElement, localPreviousSibling ); }; scriptElement.onerror = function() { if ( AvvioCC.debug ) { // TESTED 20180512 1505 missing file is reported console.log("JS: sync FAILED="+this.src + " resume: " + fakeElement.childElementCount + "/" + remainingFragments.length ); } var localPreviousSibling=this; document.write = docWriteBackup; // continue with remaining elements AvvioCC.insertRemainingFragments( remainingFragments, fakeElement, localPreviousSibling ); }; previousSibling.parentNode.insertBefore(scriptElement, previousSibling.nextSibling); previousSibling = scriptElement; fakeElement.removeChild(child); //WARNING!!!! //WARNING!!!! SYNC EXECUTION !!! WAIT FOR EXT FILE TO BE LOADED AND EXECUTED !!! //WARNING!!!! return false; } } else { var debugString = child.text.substring(0,100); if ( this.debug ) console.log("JS: FOUND inline=" + debugString.replace(/\s/g,"") ); scriptElement.text = child.text; var docWriteBuffer =''; var docWriteBackup = document.write; document.write = function( newHTMLString ) { docWriteBuffer+=newHTMLString; }; // this will execute contained code instantly // TESTED 20180521 1357 previousSibling.parentNode.insertBefore(scriptElement, previousSibling.nextSibling); // TESTED 20180521 1402 - original function is restored correctly document.write = docWriteBackup; previousSibling = scriptElement; fakeElement.removeChild(child); if ( docWriteBuffer.length > 0 ) { // TESTED 20180512 1409 ... document.write content is added to the top of the fakeElements queue // queue the new stuff into the fakeElement at the top ! fakeElement.innerHTML = docWriteBuffer.trim() + fakeElement.innerHTML; } } } else { var nodeToMove = fakeElement.firstChild; previousSibling.parentNode.insertBefore(nodeToMove, previousSibling.nextSibling); previousSibling = nodeToMove; } } } } AvvioCC.insertFragmentsFunctionFactory=function( remainingFragments, fakeElement, previousSibling ) { // this is used to preserve scope of raminingFragment in case of multiple insert processes running concurently return function() { AvvioCC.insertRemainingFragments( remainingFragments, fakeElement, previousSibling ); } } // ==========================================================================80 // public interface to add blob of html to any position in the DOM AvvioCC.pushOrInsertFragment=function( newFragment ) { if ( newFragment.b == false ) { // deploy instantly var localFragments=[]; localFragments.push(newFragment); var scopePreserver=AvvioCC.insertFragmentsFunctionFactory( localFragments, null, null ); scopePreserver(); } else { // part of user deploy, delayed deployment this.fragments.push(newFragment); } } AvvioCC.appendHTMLToBody=function( htmlString ) { var newFragment={ d: window.btoa(htmlString), b: this.userDeployActiveCategorie, s: document.body.lastChild }; this.pushOrInsertFragment( newFragment ); } AvvioCC.appendB64HTMLToBody=function( base64HTMLstring ) { var newFragment={ d: base64HTMLstring, b: this.userDeployActiveCategorie, s: document.body.lastChild }; this.pushOrInsertFragment( newFragment ); } AvvioCC.getBodySmartLastChild=function() { var destinationElement = document.body; var smartContainer=document.getElementById(this.smartBodyContainerId); if ( smartContainer != null ) { destinationElement = smartContainer; // child element count is not incremented with comments! //console.log( destinationElement.childNodes.length + " / " + destinationElement.childElementCount ); if ( destinationElement.childNodes.length <= 0 ) { var c = document.createComment("first node"); destinationElement.appendChild(c); } } return destinationElement.lastChild; } AvvioCC.appendHTMLToBodySmart=function( htmlString ) { var newFragment={ d: window.btoa(htmlString), b: this.userDeployActiveCategorie, s: this.getBodySmartLastChild() }; this.pushOrInsertFragment( newFragment ); } AvvioCC.appendB64HTMLToBodySmart=function( base64HTMLstring ) { var newFragment={ d: base64HTMLstring, b: this.userDeployActiveCategorie, s: this.getBodySmartLastChild() }; this.pushOrInsertFragment( newFragment ); } AvvioCC.appendHTMLToHead=function( htmlString ) { var newFragment={ d: base64HTMLstring, b: this.userDeployActiveCategorie, s: document.head.lastChild }; this.pushOrInsertFragment( newFragment ); } AvvioCC.appendB64HTMLToHead=function( base64HTMLstring ) { var newFragment={ d: base64HTMLstring, b: this.userDeployActiveCategorie, s: document.head.lastChild }; this.pushOrInsertFragment( newFragment ); } // ==========================================================================80 // hide/unhide divs AvvioCC.fadeInById=function( id, time ) { var elem = document.getElementById( id ); if ( elem == null ) { return; } elem.style.opacity = 0; elem.style.display = 'block'; var dtStarted = new Date(); (function goIn() { var timePassedMS = new Date() - dtStarted; var reached=false; var newOpacity = 1.0 * timePassedMS/time; if ( newOpacity >= 1.0 ) { reached=true; newOpacity = 1.0; } //console.log("time passed:" + timePassedMS + " opacity:" + newOpacity + " time:"+time); elem.style.opacity = newOpacity; //TODO? // for IE //elem.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + elem.style.opacity * 100 + ')'; if( ! reached ) { setTimeout( goIn, 50 ); } else { // keep display block } })(); }; AvvioCC.fadeOutById=function( id, time ) { var elem = document.getElementById( id ); if ( elem == null ) { return; } if ( elem.style.display == 'none' ) { return; } //elem.style.opacity = 0; //elem.style.display = 'block'; var dtStarted = new Date(); (function goIn() { var timePassedMS = new Date() - dtStarted; var reached=false; var newOpacity = 1.0 - 1.0 * timePassedMS/time; if ( newOpacity <= 0.0 ) { reached=true; newOpacity = 0.0; } //console.log("time passed:" + timePassedMS + " opacity:" + newOpacity + " time:"+time); elem.style.opacity = newOpacity; //TODO? // for IE //elem.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + elem.style.opacity * 100 + ')'; if( ! reached ) { setTimeout( goIn, 50 ); } else { elem.style.display = 'none'; // keep display block } })(); }; // ==========================================================================80 // accessors // 0123 01234567890123456789012345 // string may be 1111, 1000, 1100,2018-01-12T12:12:12,t AvvioCC.getWellFormatedConsentLevelFromString=function( consentLevelString ) { consentLevelString = consentLevelString.toLowerCase(); if ( consentLevelString.length == 26 ) { var temp = consentLevelString.split(','); if ( temp.length != 3 ) { console.log("invalid LONG consent level string: "+consentLevelString ); return false; } consentLevelString = temp[0]; } if ( consentLevelString.length == 4 ) { if ( (consentLevelString[0] != '0') && (consentLevelString[0] != '1') ) return false; if ( (consentLevelString[1] != '0') && (consentLevelString[1] != '1') ) return false; if ( (consentLevelString[2] != '0') && (consentLevelString[2] != '1') ) return false; if ( (consentLevelString[3] != '0') && (consentLevelString[3] != '1') ) return false; return consentLevelString; } console.log("invalid consent level string: "+consentLevelString ); return false; } AvvioCC.consentLevelCountBitsSet=function( consentLevel ) { var bits=0; // LSB FIRST if ( consentLevel[0] == '1' ) bits++; if ( consentLevel[1] == '1' ) bits++; if ( consentLevel[2] == '1' ) bits++; if ( consentLevel[3] == '1' ) bits++; return bits; } AvvioCC.getEffectiveConsentLevel=function() { var consentedYet = AvvioCC.getCookie( AvvioCC.cookieNameConsentLevel ); if ( ( consentedYet != false ) && ( consentedYet.length > 0 ) ) consentedYet=AvvioCC.getWellFormatedConsentLevelFromString(consentedYet); var effectiveConsent = this.defaultConsent; if ( consentedYet != false ) effectiveConsent = consentedYet; return effectiveConsent; }; // ==========================================================================80 // avvio specific tools/cookies AvvioCC.getCacheBuster=function() { return '&b=' + new Date().getTime(); } AvvioCC.getRelayDomain=function( partialURL ) { var parser = document.createElement('a'); parser.href = partialURL; var domain = parser.hostname; var parts = domain.split('.').reverse(); // minimum 2 var returnValue = parts[1]+'.'+parts[0]; if ( parts.length >= 4 ) { returnValue = parts[2]+'.'+returnValue; } return returnValue; } AvvioCC.addRelayToGroupByDomain=function( partialURL, group ) { var parser = document.createElement('a'); parser.href = partialURL; var domain = parser.hostname; // 0 1 2 3 // .... /crm/rpc/site var parts = parser.pathname.split('/'); var siteName = parts[3]; if ( ! group.hasOwnProperty(domain) ) group[domain]=[siteName]; else group[domain].push(siteName); } AvvioCC.getRelaySitesByDomain=function() { var group={}; if ( this.primaryRelayURL != '' ) { this.addRelayToGroupByDomain( this.primaryRelayURL, group ); } var nofAdditionalRelay = this.additionalRelayURLs.length; for( var i=0; i= 0 ) { remainingFragments.push( oneFragment ) } } if ( this.debug ) console.log("nof fragments to deploy ("+effectiveConsent+"): "+remainingFragments.length ); this.insertRemainingFragments( remainingFragments, null, null ); }; // ==========================================================================80 // init AvvioCC.initFinishUp=function( effectiveConsent ) { if ( this.debug ) console.log("initFinishUp("+effectiveConsent+")"); // deploy avvio tools (if level permits) AvvioCC.deployAvvioCookies( effectiveConsent ); // deploy 3rd party tools AvvioCC.deployCookies( effectiveConsent ); // give visual hint on webpages what the consent level looks like AvvioCC.userUpdateConsent(); } AvvioCC.startPeekIntoRelaySites=function() { var allRelayURLs = []; if ( AvvioCC.primaryRelayURL.length > 0 ) allRelayURLs.push( AvvioCC.primaryRelayURL ); for( var i=0; i< this.additionalRelayURLs.length; i++ ) { allRelayURLs.push( this.additionalRelayURLs[i] ); } this.allPeekRequests = []; for ( var peekIndex=0; peekIndex bestConsentLevelBitsSet ) { //console.log("BETTER"); bestConsentLevelBitsSet=score; bestConsentLevel=result; bestPeekIndex = k; } else { //console.log("WORSE s:"+score+" bcl:"+bestConsentLevelBitsSet); } } } } else { pending++; } } //console.log("LOOPEND pending:"+pending) if ( pending <= 0 ) { //console.log("ALLDONE bestConsentLevel"+bestConsentLevel); var effectiveConsent=AvvioCC.defaultConsent; if ( bestConsentLevel == false ) { if ( AvvioCC.silentMode ) { } else { AvvioCC.fadeInById( 'ACClayerBackground', 500 ); AvvioCC.fadeInById('ACCsmallCookieLayer', 1000); setTimeout(function(){ document.getElementById('ACCsmallCookieLayer').focus(); }, 1010); } } else { //AvvioCC.setCookie(AvvioCC.cookieNameConsentLevel, bestConsentLevel, AvvioCC.cookieExpiryDays ); var consentLevelString = AvvioCC.allPeekRequests[bestPeekIndex].consentLevelString; if ( AvvioCC.debug ) console.log("cookie consent "+consentLevelString+" peeked from "+AvvioCC.allPeekRequests[bestPeekIndex].url); AvvioCC.setCookie(AvvioCC.cookieNameConsentLevel, consentLevelString, AvvioCC.cookieExpiryDays ); AvvioCC.removeCookie(AvvioCC.cookieNameImpressions); effectiveConsent=bestConsentLevel; } AvvioCC.initFinishUp(effectiveConsent); } } }; this.allPeekRequests[peekIndex].xhttp = xhttp; xhttp.open("GET", allRelayURLs[peekIndex]+'?peek=1', true ); xhttp.send(); } } AvvioCC.initCSS=function() { var opacityValue = 0.8; var fontColorValue = "FFF"; var bgColorValue = "000"; var bgDarkValue = "255"; var bgLightValue = "0"; var darkBackgroundColorValue = "AAA"; var siteLogoValue = ""; var fontFamilyValue = "'Open Sans', sans-serif;"; if ( AvvioCC.colorScheme == 'dark' ) { // nothing to do, default is "dark" } else if ( AvvioCC.colorScheme == 'light' ) { opacityValue = 0.8; fontColorValue = "555"; bgColorValue = "FFF"; bgDarkValue = "0"; bgLightValue = "255"; darkBackgroundColorValue = "555"; } else if ( AvvioCC.colorScheme == 'bw' ) { //MG: TODO opacityValue = 0.7; fontColorValue = "000000"; bgColorValue = "FFF"; bgDarkValue = "0"; bgLightValue = "255"; darkBackgroundColorValue = "000000"; } else { console.log("invalid colorScheme:"+this.colorScheme); } // Set fancy background color if(this.darkBackgroundColor) darkBackgroundColorValue = this.darkBackgroundColor.replace('#',''); // Set fancy text color if(this.fontColor) fontColorValue = this.fontColor.replace('#',''); // Set opacity if(this.opacity) opacityValue = this.opacity; if(this.siteLogo) siteLogoValue = this.siteLogo; if(this.fontFamily) fontFamilyValue = this.fontFamily; this.useCSS = this.useCSS.replace(/@FONTFAMILYV@/g,fontFamilyValue); this.useCSS = this.useCSS.replace(/@ZINDEXV@/g,this.zIndex); this.useCSS = this.useCSS.replace(/@OPACITY@/g,opacityValue); this.useCSS = this.useCSS.replace(/@FONTCOLORV@/g,fontColorValue); this.useCSS = this.useCSS.replace(/@BGCOLORV@/g,bgColorValue); this.useCSS = this.useCSS.replace(/@BGDARKV@/g,bgDarkValue); this.useCSS = this.useCSS.replace(/@BGLIGHTV@/g,bgLightValue); this.useCSS = this.useCSS.replace(/@SITELOGOV@/g,siteLogoValue); this.useCSS = this.useCSS.replace(/@DARKBACKGROUNDCOLORV@/g,darkBackgroundColorValue); var maxWidthString = "max-width: 1100px;"; if(this.popupMaxWidth) { maxWidthString = "max-width: "+this.popupMaxWidth+"; min-width: 400px;"; } this.useCSS = this.useCSS.replace(/@POPUPMAXWIDTHV@/g, maxWidthString); // position top default 50% var ACCpositionString = "top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%); "; if ( this.popupPosition.indexOf("bottom") != -1) { ACCpositionString = this.popupPosition+"; "; } else if ( this.popupPosition.indexOf("top") != -1) { ACCpositionString = this.popupPosition+"; "; } this.useCSS = this.useCSS.replace(/@POPUPPOSITIONKV@/g, ACCpositionString); var popupAligmentString = "text-align: center;"; var popupAligmentContainerString = ""; if ( this.popupAligment.indexOf("left") != -1){ popupAligmentString = "text-align: left;"; popupAligmentContainerString = "margin-left: "+this.popupAligment.replace('left:','')+";"; }else if ( this.popupAligment.indexOf("right") != -1){ popupAligmentString = "text-align: right;"; popupAligmentContainerString = "margin-right: "+this.popupAligment.replace('right:','')+";"; } this.useCSS = this.useCSS.replace(/@POPUPALIGMENTV@/g,popupAligmentString); this.useCSS = this.useCSS.replace(/@POPUPALIGMENTCONTAINERV@/g,popupAligmentContainerString); } AvvioCC.init=function() { if ( this.debug ) console.log("ACC init() call"); // dom can't be savely changed until document is ready var continueInitAtDOMReady=function() { if ( AvvioCC.debug ) console.log("ACC ready() callback"); AvvioCC.initCSS(); // site logo AvvioCC.appendCSSToHead( AvvioCC.useCSS ); AvvioCC.appendHTMLTo( AvvioCC.useHTML, document.body ); if(!AvvioCC.siteLogo) document.getElementById("ACCsiteLogo").style.display = "none"; // there is no easy way passing "this" from the outside // to the inside of this dynamic function // we are accessing "AvvioCC" as global variable! var impressionsWithoutConsent = false; var consentedYet = AvvioCC.getCookie( AvvioCC.cookieNameConsentLevel ); if ( ( consentedYet != false ) && ( consentedYet.length > 0 ) ) consentedYet=AvvioCC.getWellFormatedConsentLevelFromString(consentedYet); if ( consentedYet == false ) { var impressionsString=AvvioCC.getCookie( AvvioCC.cookieNameImpressions ); impressionsWithoutConsent = 0; if ( impressionsString.length > 0 ) { impressionsWithoutConsent = parseInt(impressionsString); } impressionsWithoutConsent += 1; AvvioCC.setCookie( AvvioCC.cookieNameImpressions, impressionsWithoutConsent, 1 ); } else { AvvioCC.initFinishUp(consentedYet); return; } var relaySitesGrouped = AvvioCC.getRelaySitesByDomain(); for(var domainName in relaySitesGrouped) { if ( AvvioCC.debug ) console.log( domainName + ":" +relaySitesGrouped[domainName].join("##") ); } var performPeek = true; if ( impressionsWithoutConsent == false ) { performPeek = false; if ( AvvioCC.debug ) console.log("skipping peek, consent already given/peeked.."); } else { if ( ( AvvioCC.stopPeekAfter > 0 ) && ( impressionsWithoutConsent >= AvvioCC.stopPeekAfter ) ) { performPeek = false; if ( AvvioCC.debug ) console.log("skipping peek, peeking limit reached .."); } } if ( AvvioCC.primaryRelayURL.length <=0 ) { performPeek = false; if ( AvvioCC.debug ) console.log("skipping peek, no primary relay ..."); } else { var cookieDomain = AvvioCC.getCookieDomain(); var relayDomain = AvvioCC.getRelayDomain(AvvioCC.primaryRelayURL); if ( cookieDomain == relayDomain ) { performPeek = false; if ( AvvioCC.debug ) console.log("skipping peek, same domain ..."); } } if ( AvvioCC.allowPeek != true ) { performPeek=false; if ( AvvioCC.debug ) console.log("skipping peek, allow peek disabled..."); } if ( performPeek ) { AvvioCC.startPeekIntoRelaySites(); // premature exit, wait for result return; } // NO peeking, no cosent available if ( ! AvvioCC.silentMode ) { AvvioCC.fadeInById('ACCsmallCookieLayer', 500); AvvioCC.fadeInById('ACClayerBackground', 500); } var effectiveConsent = AvvioCC.getWellFormatedConsentLevelFromString(AvvioCC.defaultConsent); if ( effectiveConsent == false ) { console.log("invalid defaultConsent:" + AvvioCC.defaultConsent ); // if default consent is specified incorrectly, fallback to required effectiveConsent="1000"; } AvvioCC.initFinishUp(effectiveConsent); }; // WAIT FOR DOM READY // in case the document is already rendered if (document.readyState!='loading') continueInitAtDOMReady(); // modern browsers else if (document.addEventListener) document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', continueInitAtDOMReady); // IE <= 8 else document.attachEvent('onreadystatechange', function(){ if (document.readyState=='complete') continueInitAtDOMReady(); }); } // ==========================================================================80 // public interface AvvioCC.setDefaultsMoreDetails=function( effectiveConsent ) { document.getElementById('ACCrequired').checked = true; if ( effectiveConsent[1]=='1' ) { document.getElementById('ACCfunctional').checked = true; //AvvioCC.ACCaddClass(document.getElementById('ACCswitchFunctional'), 'switchOn'); } if ( effectiveConsent[2]=='1' ) { document.getElementById('ACCstatistical').checked = true; //AvvioCC.ACCaddClass(document.getElementById('ACCswitchStatistical'), 'switchOn'); } if ( effectiveConsent[3]=='1' ) { document.getElementById('ACCmarketing').checked = true; //AvvioCC.ACCaddClass(document.getElementById('ACCswitchMarketing'), 'switchOn'); } } AvvioCC.showMoreDetails=function(fade = true) { this.fadeOutById( 'ACCsmallCookieLayer', 350 ); var consentedYet = AvvioCC.getCookie( AvvioCC.cookieNameConsentLevel ); if ( ( consentedYet != false ) && ( consentedYet.length > 0 ) ) consentedYet=AvvioCC.getWellFormatedConsentLevelFromString(consentedYet); var effectiveConsent = '1000'; if ( consentedYet != false ) { effectiveConsent = consentedYet; } this.setDefaultsMoreDetails(effectiveConsent); this.fadeInById( 'ACCtabedCookieLayer', 300 ); if(fade) this.fadeInById( 'ACClayerBackground', 350 ); document.getElementById('ACCdetailsSaveButton').scrollIntoView(); setTimeout(function(){ document.getElementById('ACCscrollToTop').scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth'}); }, 500); }; AvvioCC.getConsentLevelString=function( consentLevel, source) { // similar to Date.toISOString() // we needed our our version here to avoid problems with original prototype overriden var now=new Date(); var mon = ''+(now.getUTCMonth()+1); if ( mon.length <= 1 ) mon='0'+mon; var day = ''+now.getUTCDate(); if ( day.length <= 1 ) day='0'+day; var h = ''+now.getHours(); if ( h.length <= 1 ) h='0'+h; var m = ''+now.getMinutes(); if ( m.length <= 1 ) m='0'+m; var s = ''+now.getSeconds(); if ( s.length <= 1 ) s='0'+s; var dateTimeString = now.getUTCFullYear()+'-'+mon+'-'+day+' '+h+':'+m+':'+s; return consentLevel+','+dateTimeString+','+source; } AvvioCC.consentGivenSmall=function() { var consentLevel="1111"; var consentLevelString = this.getConsentLevelString( consentLevel, 's' ); // +s for small this.setCookie(this.cookieNameConsentLevel, consentLevelString, this.cookieExpiryDays ); this.removeCookie(this.cookieNameImpressions); this.deployCookies( consentLevel ); this.relayExplicitConsent( consentLevelString, "0000" ); this.fadeOutById( 'ACCsmallCookieLayer', 500 ); this.fadeOutById( 'ACCtabedCookieLayer', 500 ); this.fadeOutById( 'ACClayerBackground', 500 ); this.userUpdateConsent(); } AvvioCC.saveConsentTickboxes=function() { function replaceCharAt( s, index, c ) { return s.substr(0, index) + c + s.substr(index + 1); } var consentLevel="1000"; if ( document.getElementById('ACCfunctional').checked == true ) consentLevel=replaceCharAt(consentLevel, 1, '1'); if ( document.getElementById('ACCstatistical').checked == true ) consentLevel=replaceCharAt(consentLevel, 2, '1'); if ( document.getElementById('ACCmarketing').checked == true ) consentLevel=replaceCharAt(consentLevel, 3, '1'); var previousString = this.getCookie(this.cookieNameConsentLevel); var previous; if ( ( previousString != false ) && ( previousString.length > 0 ) ) previous = this.getWellFormatedConsentLevelFromString(previousString); if ( previous == false ) previous="1000"; var consentLevelString = this.getConsentLevelString( consentLevel, 't' ); // +t for tickboxes this.setCookie(this.cookieNameConsentLevel, consentLevelString, this.cookieExpiryDays ); this.removeCookie(this.cookieNameImpressions); if ( consentLevel != previous ) { this.deployCookies( consentLevel ); } this.relayExplicitConsent( consentLevelString, previous ); this.fadeOutById( 'ACCsmallCookieLayer', 500 ); this.fadeOutById( 'ACCtabedCookieLayer', 500 ); this.fadeOutById( 'ACClayerBackground', 500 ); this.userUpdateConsent(); }; AvvioCC.invalidateConsent=function() { this.fadeOutById( 'ACCtabedCookieLayer', 200 ); this.fadeOutById( 'ACCsmallCookieLayer', 200 ); this.removeCookie( this.cookieNameConsentLevel ); this.fadeInById( 'ACCsmallCookieLayer', 1000 ); }; // ==========================================================================80 // init if ( ! AvvioCC.variablesAfterScript ) { // if variables are defined before the script, then execute init now! AvvioCC.init(); } // KK Js AvvioCC.ACCremoveClass=function(el, className) { if (el.classList.contains(className)) el.classList.remove(className); } AvvioCC.ACCaddClass=function(el, className) { if ( ! el.classList.contains(className)) el.classList.add(className); } AvvioCC.isKeydownAndEnterEvent = function( event ) { if( event.type == 'keydown' ) { var keycode = event.keyCode ? event.keyCode : event.which; if( keycode == '13' ) { return true; } return false; } return true; } var clickedACCrow = false; AvvioCC.ACCclickShowMore=function(id) { if( ! AvvioCC.isKeydownAndEnterEvent( event ) ) return; var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('kkACCrow'); for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; i ++) { AvvioCC.ACCremoveClass(elements[i], 'active'); } if(id != clickedACCrow) { AvvioCC.ACCaddClass(document.getElementById('kkACCrow'+id), 'active'); clickedACCrow = id; } else clickedACCrow = false; } AvvioCC.ACCswitchAll=function(mode, event) { if( ! AvvioCC.isKeydownAndEnterEvent( event ) ) return; if(mode == "on") { var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('kkACCSwitchLabel'); for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; i ++) { // switch on and checkbox document.getElementById(elements[i].htmlFor).checked = true; } // wait 1000 miliseconds then save & close popup setTimeout(function(){ AvvioCC.saveConsentTickboxes(); }, 1000) }else if(mode == "off") { var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('kkACCrowSwitch'); for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; i ++) { // switch off and uncheckbox document.getElementById(elements[i].htmlFor).checked = false; } } }